Archives For Justin W

Okay, guys you have just two weeks left.  And don’t play dumb, we all know that Valentine’s day is only two weeks away.  Have you picked out her present for this year yet?  I bet you are still trying to think of something outstanding, something she will absolutely fly over the moon when she sees it.  You’re also feeling that just a card – even the fanciest talking or singing one – and flowers won’t do the trick.  You may probably still be scratching your head trying to think of the best possible surprise.  Now, here’s where I’m going to make a suggestion that may shock you.  Try some real good custom cosmetics for her this year.  Instead of the big box of chocolates, or the 24 bright red roses in the vase, or the ice cream cake with champagne frosting, or even the real sexy lacy underwear, try getting her some real nice cosmetics and hair treatment with a l’oreal hair color coupon.

“What!” you say in shock.  “Hair color or cosmetics as a gift on a romantic occasion like Valentine’s Day?  Are you crazy or do you want me to get the cold shoulder for the rest of the winter?”  But settle down, dude and just think about it for a second.  How many times over the past year have you heard your dearest complain about not finding the right shade, or the lipstick she likes, or the best rinse, conditioner or coloring for her hair?  And I know you’ve felt that gnawing impatience when waiting while she is freshening up.

So, you know there’s some item she wants that’s most appropriate for her.  You may not know how to pick out colorings or foundations, but you do know how you like her to look.  What could be more appropriate than to give her a Groupon coupon that goes towards the purchase of the L’Oreal products that make her look her best.  She will feel confident that you approve because you gave it to her.  And you will have given her something that’ll last well beyond just that day, since you can enjoy its appearance every time you see her.  It will be a present for her that you can enjoy too.  Not such a bad idea, after all, right?

When it comes to making money from an ecommerce shop, setting up the shop is only half the battle. To maximize your sales, you must take consistent action. Let’s take a look at some things that you can do to boost sales for your ecommerce shop.

1. Build trust during each stage of the buying process.

When potential customers visit your site, you must show them that your business is trustworthy. If you are requesting an exchange of their hard-earned money for your goods, it is the least you can do.

One thing you can do to foster trust is provide actual customer reviews of your products on your site. This action shows your visitors that your products are worth buying.

Another thing you can do is install a live chat feature on your site. This provides each visitor with a low-risk way to interact with your site. When visitors see the chat feature, they know that you are serious about providing responsive customer service.

2. Simplify the checkout process.

Have you ever tried to purchase something and the process was so complicated that you left the store without buying the item? Unfortunately, this happens a lot on ecommerce sites. Visitors become confused and abandon their shopping carts.

An easy way to reduce the number of abandoned shopping carts is by making the checkout process as simple as possible. Here are a few things you can do.

  • Allow visitors to make purchases as guests instead of signing up as members of your site.
  • Eliminate unnecessary form fields on the checkout page.
  • Install a checkout progress bar that enables visitors to see the steps in the transaction.

3. Implement email marketing tools.

If you have a customer list, you can use it to send marketing materials to their email addresses. Email is an inexpensive way for you to share company news, information about sales, or upcoming events.

The best part about email marketing is it has a ROI of 4300%. Although creating an email marketing campaign takes careful planning, the results will be worth it.

4. Show the benefits of your products.

Your ecommerce site should show your customers ways in which your products will be beneficial to them. Instead of focusing on product features, your product descriptions should contain information about the benefits of owning your products.

Will the products help your clients lose weight? Or will the products help your customers save money? Don’t be shy about telling your customers how your products can revolutionize their lives.

5. Upload quality pictures of the products.

The importance of having good pictures on your sight can’t be overstated. An attractive picture can convert a site visitor into a customer. Conversely, a photograph that shows your product in a bad light can ruin a sale.

Do you need a few tips on how to take better pictures? Here are a few things you can do to improve the quality of your photos.

  • Use natural lighting.
  • Hire a photographer.
  • Get an attractive backdrop.

Boosting your ecommerce sales is as easy as getting qualified for vehicle title loans in Miami. By applying these tips, you can increase your ecommerce sales.

Getting a loan can be a difficult process to understand, if you aren’t sure what banks and lenders are looking at.  Before you try to get a loan, make sure you are aware of a few things, so you are not caught off guard when you go to apply for funding. Although applying for a loan can feel as difficult as trying to install a car seat for the first time, it should really be viewed as a series of questions that need to be answered, in order to give the loan office a better understanding of who you are, and your ability to repay.

Income Is One Of The Most Important Questions

Your income is one of the questions that will be asked when you fill out a form. You will be asked how long you have spent at your job, the amount of money you make (either per hour or for the total year), and how much you get paid. If you are self-employed, you will be expected to file tax returns, and provide that information when you come in to apply for a loan. Although this may seem invasive, it can go a long way in helping the company who is lending to you understand more about your abilities to repay.

What the Loan Is For

Everyone needs a loan for different reasons. From car loans, to a mortgage to get your house, and even personal loans to help you make a small purchase, there are many different instances where individuals would need a loan. Be ready to specify what type of loan you are applying for, and what exactly it is needed for. Although many lending institutions are happy to help, they will want a clear picture before they offer you any money for your loan.

How Long You Are Willing To Repay It Back

This may vary based on the loan offered, and what it is for. Although the bank or lender may set the rates of how much you will pay back, it is helpful to know that the sooner you pay it back, the better off you will be. Paying items off with interest can leave you paying more in the long run, than if you had paid everything off right away. Keep in mind that anytime you take out a loan, you should make it your goal to pay if off as quickly as possible.

Getting a loan for the first time (or anytime) can be a scary process. If you know what to expect and what you will need to do, that is half the battle. Make a point to find out what questions are asked for you particular type of loan, and go in armed knowing you will need to provide information on your income and what the loan is for. Although how much you pay every month is not entirely in your hands, try to pay everything back as soon as you can to make life easier in the long run.

What you might get out of day trading is very personal. Some might get a side income to help them get out of mountains of personal debt. Some might use penny stocks to build up a nest egg that allows them financial freedom and early retirement in their 40s. Others might really enjoy the day to day of small-cap stocks and their fluctuations, so they might make it a 9-5 style career.

Penny stocks are one of the avenues that day traders use to make real profits on a day-to-day basis. Penny stocks are defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission as stocks whose shares trade anywhere from $2 to $10. Anything trading under $1 tends to be listed on OTC sites and the Pink Sheets online, which harkens back to the days when penny stocks were actually listed on sheets of pink paper.

Since penny stocks are so small, how do you actually get to a profitable state while trading them? Well, as with any sector of day trading, you need strategies and techniques to cut through the noise and identify stocks that might actually make moves. The volatility of penny stocks are a warning sign for traditional, buy-and-hold investors, but a siren song for day traders of all stripes. Day traders eat their lunch, dinner and late-night snacks on volatility. The violent fluctuations of penny stocks make it that much easier to make money, when you are trading so quickly and so often.

But the key is that you must have a plan. Going into each trade with any idea of how much profits you expect to bank and how much loss you are willing to take is essential to any long-term day trading career. The stats say that 90% of day traders lose money. But that is because many novice day traders look to learn on the job, by trial and error. That results in a lot of marks losing their money.

Learn the strategies before you start trading real money is key to avoiding that sort of situation. Finding a community of traders that share your outlook and help each other with tips and advice is a great way to start trading penny stocks. You can try out a community like Warrior Trading, where you can spend time in the site’s chat rooms, with an eye on learning the ropes and making friends.

Then you can use their online day trading classes to increase your skills and absorb the strategies that will help you win, like gap & go trading. The specifics of each strategy are there for you to grasp, then you need to spend time in a trading simulator that allows you to make trades with virtual currency and learn how to plan for each and every eventuality.

Once you are making $200 a day in virtual profits, it is time to hit the real market. That experience and screen time will prove very valuable when you are trading penny stocks for real and it your actual money on the line.

Forex 101 for Beginners

Justin W —  July 25, 2017

Those beginning online Forex trading, especially beginners can find it daunting. The number one beginner mistake is to have unrealistic expectations. This is very common especially among Forex newcomers who see it as a get-rich-quick scheme. When starting Forex trading with currency, it is important to understand that rarely do Forex traders get wealthy overnight, a week or even a month. Having this mentality will save you from losing a lot of money. This is especially true when one considers that statistics show 90% of newcomers lose almost 90% of their investments in less than 90 days. To avoid being another statistic, here are a few guidelines you can start with to be a successful Forex trader.

Getting in the Forex trading can be overwhelming at first. However, you can try out using a risk-free demo account such as the CFD demo account from CMC Markets. This will at least assist you in getting acquainted with how trading is done. It is equally important to know the market you will be trading. This is because the market is shaped by the combination of all participants.

When first getting into the market, you should at least aim at preserving your capital rather than growing it. To do this, you need to minimise risk by using a long term trading stance. It is a common beginner mistake to expect to make money from short-term trends. The Forex market requires patience and modesty, and successful traders will attest to making money by mostly investing in long-term trends. By holding on to your open orders for a longer time, they act more of an investment rather than a lottery. In addition, this will be less stressful since you will not be spending a lot of time staring on the screen assessing how they are performing.

As a beginner, it is highly advisable to start simple. This will ensure that your trading strategy is manageable and easy to follow. Starting simple will also eliminate most of the frustrations associated with Forex trading. You may be confronted with a myriad of tools when trading online Forex. What you need to realize is that it is not the amount of tools that will enhance your chances of success, but how well you use the few tools you understand.

Forex trading software will come in handy both for seasoned and beginner traders. The fierce competition in the market between brokers means that there are free Forex trading software. However, you may find the free software limiting. Thus, it may be advisable to buy software if it will be of better assistance.

In the Forex trading market, analysis is a vital concept. This means that traders who learn their way through looking at charts and making decisions are at forefront. Charts can range from daily, weekly or monthly, depending on your trading. Analysis will be both be technical and fundamental. For example, the tools for technical analysis are trend lines, support and resistance lines and indicators based on these lines. Fundamental analysis will involve gaining an understanding of how events and policies shape the market.

The market can sometimes be volatile. While this can be to your advantage, it can also wipe clean your investment. Thus, it is advisable to be extremely careful in volatile markets. You should also incorporate volatility analysis into your strategy. Nonetheless, you should always be prepared for anything to happen in the Forex market. While you can depend on Forex news such as those from Bloomberg or CNN among others, the Forex market has a way of making them obsolete. The news you see has already been discounted by the industry and it comes too late. If you rely on news, you will be too late and this may backfire.

It is also important to realize that there are hundreds of available markets you can diversify your investments. Therefore, you should not limit yourself by focusing on major markets since this often leads to over-trading. When trading, you should consider both the opening of the trade as well as the closing of the trade. Giving them equal priority will help you avoid making heavy loses. In conclusion, since financial trading is legally regulated, make sure you are legally protected.

Penny Stock Fundamentals

Justin W —  February 7, 2017

One of the biggest mistakes penny stock investors make is judging only the company and not analyzing the fundamentals of the stock. Today we are going to go into some penny stock fundamentals that you should understand and utilize to maximize your earnings. After you have learned the fundamentals we have listed below, check out Warrior Trading on Facebook. On their Facebook page they share great information on penny stock fundamentals that will help increase your penny stock vocabulary and breadth of knowledge.

With we analyze a company’s stock price we are looking at a company’s revenues, profits, losses, and projections for future performance and expectations.


Revenue is the money a company earns for its goods and services. It does not take into account the cost to produce the good or run the company, it is simply a measure of the money coming in the door from selling the goods or services offered by the company.


Unlike revenue, profit takes into account the cost to produce the good or service. Profit is the amount of revenue that exceeds the expenses, costs, and taxes to sustain the business activity. There are three types of profits that you should familiarize yourself with: gross profit, operating profit, and net profit.

Earnings Per Share

You calculate earnings per share by taking a company’s profits and dividing it by the total number of outstanding shares. Earnings per share is an indicator of a company’s profitability and can be an important indicator when trading penny stocks.

Price/Earnings Ratio

You’ll notice in the chat rooms that everyone loves spouting off P/E ratios and what they think they mean. The P/E ratio is a stock’s price divided by its earnings. It is a measure of the stock’s current share price relative to its per-share earnings. The ratio is often used to analyze how expensive a stock is.

Technical analysis of a penny stock is more accurately judging the stock based on its price as opposed to judging the company. Since you are actually buying the stock, and not the company, it makes more sense to concentrate of the technical analysis of the stock price then the company. The main tool used by technical traders is the price charts analysis, so I suggest you first read some guides on how to read trading charts. Once you can identify and analyze this technical data quickly and efficiently you will be in a much better position to trade penny stocks successfully and take your penny stock trading to the next level. When you are ready to take that next step go to Warrior Trading and check out their Step by Step Guide to trading penny stocks. They will show you everything you need to know about how to trade penny stocks. Good luck!

Creating a successful brand is not just about offering a quality product, but also creating a brand identity that resonates with your clientele.  When your buyers, feel a connection to your brand this will influence their purchasing decisions and generate customer loyalty. Here are some helpful tips, and marketing strategies to help you create and build a quality brand identity.

  1. Identify your target market and create a marketing campaign that reaches them personally.

For example, if your product or service is geared toward mothers in their twenties and thirties then it’s important to make sure that your marketing conveys an acute understanding of the concerns that mothers face such as the health and education of their children.  Another way to reach your clientele on a personal level, it is to interact with them across social media platforms. This way you can learn about the specific likes and dislikes of your customer base and cater not only your product but your marketing to their unique tastes.  For example, if health and nutrition are trending topics across your Twitter account, then you should not only create a social media marketing campaign that addresses these topics, but also create content to be featured on your website that addresses these topics as well.

  1. Make sure that your brand has a specific message.

Whether it’s that your company offers quality services for a reasonable price or that all of your products for animal cruelty free having a specific message that your clients can identify your brand by is as important as having a quality logo.

  1. Don’t be afraid to exploit your competition’s weaknesses.

Researching your competition is important for any company.  But when you’re establishing a new brand it is imperative that you find a way to stand out from the rest of the pack. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by identifying how your product or service excels in an area where your competition have fallen flat.

When you use these steps and create a brand identity, it can truly help your company obtain and maintain success. The longevity of your brand can truly be linked to the identity you create for your brand and your customer’s connection to the brand.  A stellar example of this is JC Penney, whose name has been synonymous with quality products for reasonable prices for decades.