Archives For March 2015

Getting Help with Grocery Bills

Corey —  March 23, 2015

Unemployed or underemployed, you may find yourself as one of the 49 million Americans that face hunger. In a country of such excess, it is shocking that 1 in 6 Americans has to go hungry. Luckily there are numerous programs and organizations available to help try and combat hunger.

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Look Elsewhere before you Borrow

Corey —  March 20, 2015

Life’s little emergencies can often set a family or business behind the eight ball with seemingly no options but bankruptcy or high interest short term loans. Yet there are lots of different options depending on the need of the emergency. The first and foremost thing you need to do is stop any borrowing transaction and look at alternatives first. Short term loans look great until you have to pay back 200% of what you borrowed, doubling the cost of your emergency.

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