Tithing in the Bible: Summary

Corey —  December 16, 2009

       Last week, I finished my series on Tithing in the Bible where we looked at every single Bible verse that talks about tithing. The purpose was to see what God’s Word says about tithing and to compare that with what is taught in the church today. What we found was that men have twisted the Bible’s teaching on tithing and giving out of ignorance or ulterior motives. They’ve added to the Bible’s definition and explanation of tithing to make it fit their own ideas. This post is a summary of what we learned from the Scriptures about tithing. You can click the titles of each heading to read the entire post relating to those verses.

Abram’s Example – Genesis 14:18-20

  1. Abram gave 10% to Melchizedek only from the spoils of war – not his own money.

  3. Abram gave the remaining 90% of the spoils of war to the King of Sodom.

  5. Abram only gave a tithe once that we know of. We have no other examples of tithing as Abram’s model for giving.

  7. Abram’s example was never used in the New Testament to teach Christians how much they should give.

  9. The Bible does not say that Abram was commanded by God to give the tithe to Melchizedek.

       Conclusion: Abram’s example of tithing to Melchizedek does not set a precedent for Christians to follow.

Jacob’s Example – Genesis 28:20-22

  1. Jacob’s promise to tithe was completely conditional. He told God that he would tithe if God would bless him.

  3. God did not ask Jacob to give a tithe. Jacob chose to promise it to Him (again, only if God would bless him).

  5. Jacob would not have had a local temple (church) to give his tithe to. Neither would God have taken the tithe directly from Jacob – He does not need it. Jacob would most likely have given his tithe directly to the poor and needy or in showing hospitality to strangers.

       Conclusion: Jacob’s example of tithing is not taught by tithing advocates because it was completely freewill, conditional, and would not support the idea of giving your tithe to your local church. It also does not set a tithing requirement for Christians to follow because it was Jacob’s choice – not God’s commandment.

The Tithe is Holy to the Lord – Leviticus 27:30-33

  1. Many other aspects of the Law were considered “holy to the Lord”, including: grain offerings, sin offerings, trespass offerings, the feasts, holy days, the sanctuary, the high priest’s crown, the priests’ clothes, and the fruit a tree produces in its fourth year.

  3. The tithe only came out of increases from the land, flocks, and herds – not income the Israelites earned in any other way. The tithe was only food and never included money.

  5. The tithe was not the best tenth. The tithe of the herds and flocks was the tenth animal to pass under the shepherd’s rod, and the shepherd was not allowed to change it. The tenth animal could have been the best or the worst.

       Conclusion: These verses do not establish the tithe as an eternal statute for all who follow God merely because it was considered “holy to the Lord”. There are several other Old Testament statutes we should be keeping if that is our method of discerning eternal statutes. Also, modern tithing advocates twist the Scriptures to include money in the tithe instead of just food and to teach that the tithe should be your best 10%.

The Statute of Tithing – Numbers 18:20-32

  1. The tithe was instituted among Israel to provide specifically for the priests and the Levites.

  3. In exchange for the right to receive offerings and tithes, the priests and the Levites had to give up all rights to inheritance or land ownership.

  5. The Levites – not the priests – received the tithe from Israel.

  7. The Levites then gave the priests a tithe of the tithes, or 1% of all Israel’s agricultural increase.

  9. The tithe was still only food items and never included money.

       Conclusion: The tithe does not apply to Christians because it was specifically for the Israelites to support the Levitical priesthood. Christ’s death abolished that priesthood and replaced it with a priesthood of believers with Christ as the high priest. Tithing advocates do not teach that those who receive the tithe should give up inheritance and land ownership rights or that the priests should only receive 1%. Again, the tithe only contained food items and not money.

Eating Your Tithe – Deuteronomy 12, 14, & 26

  1. Tithing is just one among many statutes and ordinances the Israelites were commanded to observe.

  3. The Bible talks about eating your tithe before God which is never taught today. It also means the tithe was only food and not money. Israelites were only allowed to use money if the journey to the Temple was too long for them to carry their tithe. Once they arrived at the Temple, they had to use that money to buy food and drink so they could celebrate before God.

  5. This could have been a second tithe (the festival tithe), which means the Israelites tithed at least 20%.

  7. The Bible also talks about tithing every third year (the poor tithe). This tithe was kept within each Israelite city to care for the poor. It did not go to the Temple.

       Conclusion: Tithing advocates do not teach that Christians should observe all of the statutes and ordinances of the Law – only tithing. They also don’t teach about eating your tithes or giving your tithes directly to the poor. They usually teach that you should give it directly to your local church. These are not Biblical teachings.

2 Chronicles 31

  1. The tithe was still only food items from Israel’s agricultural increase. That’s why the tithing stopped after the seventh month – the harvest was over for that year.

  3. The Temple was not the storehouse for all the tithes – reinforcing the fact that only 1% went to the Temple and the Levites kept the other 9% in the Levitical cities where they lived.

       Conclusion: Again, those who teach tithing today twist the Scriptures to make it include money even though the Bible says it was only food.

Background for Malachi – Nehemiah 10, 12, & 13

  1. The blessings promised by the Law required the Israelites to keep all of God’s commandments, statutes, and ordinances. Breaking any one of those meant you were cursed under the Law.

  3. Again, the tithe went to the Levites and then they gave a tithe of the tithes to the priests. It didn’t all go to support the priests – only 1% did while the remaining 9% went to the Levites.

  5. During the time of Nehemiah and Malachi, the priests were often guilty of breaking the Law and stealing the tithes by not giving the Levites their portion while they were serving at the Temple. This gives us some background for what we read in Malachi.

       Conclusion: Christians are not under the curse of the Law because Christ has taken away that curse. This is important to understand before reading Malachi 3:8-12. Many have misinterpreted those verses and told Christians they will be cursed if they do not tithe.

Malachi 3:8-12

  1. God required the Israelites to keep all of His commandments, statutes, and ordinances – not just those concerning tithing.

  3. If the Israelites failed to keep all of the Law, they were cursed with “the curse” – even if they only failed in one point of it.

  5. The tithe was still only food.

       Conclusion: Teaching Christians that they will be blessed if they tithe or cursed if they don’t completely ignores Christ’s sacrifice. We are no longer under “the curse” of the Law but have been freed from death by Christ’s blood. Therefore, Christians will not be cursed if they do not tithe, and the promise of blessing in this passage does not apply to us. It was for the Israelites only.

       Note: I did not include Amos 4:4-5 in this study because it barely mentions tithing and is not relevant in our study.

Did Jesus Teach Tithing? – Matthew 23:23 & Luke 11:42

  1. Jesus was under the Law and so were the Pharisees He was speaking to. The New Covenant did not begin until after Jesus died, so He would not have taught the Pharisees to break the Law. However, Jesus never taught Gentiles to keep the laws or statutes that applied specifically to the Israelites (like tithing and ceremonial cleansing rituals). Christians are not under the Law of Moses; therefore, we are not required to tithe.

  3. The tithe still only contained food and never money.

  5. You can tithe and still be sinning. God held justice, mercy, faith, and sharing His love as higher and more important than whether or not an Israelite tithed. He still feels that way today. God would rather have us actually live a holy life than to have us tithe and feel holy even though we neglect the more important things.

       Conclusion: Jesus was not advocating tithing for all of His followers for all time. He was speaking to a specific group of people who were under all of the Law of Moses. He used this time to teach us that love trumps giving every time. It is foolish to think that tithing will save us or that failing to tithe will condemn us.

Boasting about Tithing – Luke 18:9-14

  1. Jesus used this parable not to support tithing but to condemn the self-righteous. God will humble us if we boast in the things we do, and He will exalt those who humble themselves.

  3. Tithing is only mentioned twice in the Gospels, but Jesus takes many occasions to teach about generous giving to the poor.

       Conclusion: We should look at all of Jesus’ teachings about giving to determine God’s will for Christian giving. He spoke more about generous giving than tithing. Even when He talked about tithing it was not in a positive light.

Change of the Priesthood, Change of the Law – Hebrews 7

  1. This is the only time tithing appears after Jesus’ death.

  3. Jesus’ high-priesthood is superior to and replaces the Levitical priesthood.

  5. Since the Levitical priesthood has been replaced so has the Law that was instituted under it. Christians are not under the Law of Moses.

  7. We have a better hope through the high-priesthood of Jesus and His sacrifice. We have a better hope for salvation that comes through faith in Jesus – not in keeping the Law of Moses. And we have a better hope for giving that’s based on a close relationship with God through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit – not on percentages.

       Conclusion: God has created a better covenant with Christians that allows us to draw near to Him through Jesus. We shouldn’t place ourselves under the statutes of an inferior Old Covenant when God desires a deeper relationship with us through His New Covenant.

New Covenant Giving

       In our study of tithing, we’ve seen that modern tithe teachers have grossly misrepresented what the Bible says about tithing. Tithing is not a requirement for Christians, and God has a better plan for Christian giving than tithing. If you want to learn more about giving under the New Covenant, check out these articles:

       I’ll also be spending more time in the future looking at Jesus’ teaching on giving and what the New Testament teaches about giving. So make sure you’ve signed up for free updates to Provident Planning if you want to learn more. If you have any questions or comments about tithing in the Bible, feel free to leave them below!



Corey is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in religion. While he enjoys learning and writing about Christianity, another one of his new passions is writing about personal finances in order to help others make wise decisions with their money.

38 responses to Tithing in the Bible: Summary

  1. Thanks Paul, I hadn’t read this summary. Very good article and well researched.

  2. You’re welcome, Lupe. And thank you.

  3. Scott Weathersby July 1, 2010 at 10:01 PM

    Great article. Clears up alot . Seems to me the churches of today are teaching against the (true) word of God.

  4. Thanks for your comment, Scott. Looking at tithing as it is described in the Bible (and not by man) makes it clear that our ideas today are mostly the teachings of men and not God. (This doesn’t excuse us from giving, but it does require that we search God’s Word to learn what His will is for our giving.)

  5. How did Jacob learn or get to know anything at all about tithing before he made that promise? definitely he must have been taught and for him to be taught means that the one whom he learnt it from which of course must have been his father Isaac would have been doing it on a regular basis and who must have taught Isaac? Off course his father Abraham. The fact that it was mentioned that Abraham only did it once in the bible is not enough to conclude that it only happened once with him. I mean, let’s think about it, how did Abraham get to know about tithing? Remember, Abraham walked closely with GOD so he must have been taught by GOD. A man is a product of he his taught and cannot operate beyond that. Let’s face it, tithing came before the law. It was only included in the law but has since long been a way of life befor the law came probably in a different way. The Bible cannot accurate details, the day to day life of the prophets and the priests GOD only knows how many books there will be to read that’s why we need the holy spirit for guidance.

  6. Yes, and circumcision came before the Law as well. Do we check all new Christian men to make sure they’re circumcised?

  7. No, but you must preach on the topic as the spirit leads you.

  8. Since tithes are a shadow but Christ is the reality, this means that tithe offering regulations have been completed in His earthly ministry. I heard a false minister telling people to offer to him the monetary value of a lamb for a sin offering to receive forgiveness of their sin. We know this is false because Jesus is the only sin offering that brings about our forgiveness. The sin offering is a shadow but Christ is the reality, this means that the sin offering regulations were completed in during the earthly ministry of Jesus. The Israelites were not allowed to pay monetarily as a tithe; however, under the old covenant law the people were required to pay tithes of the harvest of the produce and cattle grown in the land of promise. During the tithing ceremony at the end of every three years, the third year, the year of tithing, tithes were offered as a heave offering. A heave offering was an offering that had to be lifted up to God. We see how tithes are significantly shown to be a shadow of the sacrifice of Christ. The Gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus began His ministry about 30 years of age and in John it records three Passovers during the ministry of Jesus, attesting to us that Christ preached for three years. At the end of the three years of His ministry, in the third year was the year He offered Himself up. The Lord went to Jerusalem at the end of three years of ministry as our tithe as a heave (lifted up) offering in the third year of His ministry. He was lifted up (the heave offering of the tithe) from the earth on the cross. The shadow of the tithe shows us that the Levites were to be physically sustained by tithes and offerings that came from the land of promise. The reality is the sacrificial offering of Jesus, that has been given to us from God, is the only sacrificial gift that is capable of keeping us sustained and nourished. This sustenance and strength, we are given in Christ, results in our maturity. The land of promise produced the goods that was to ensure the physical survival of the Levites. The land of promise is a shadow of Jesus; Christ is the promise that the entire Old Testament pledged. God promised a redeemer starting in Genesis and Jesus is the guarantee of God’s promise. Jesus is the authentic Promised Land of all Christians because in Him is produced everything we need for true and eternal life. This clearly shows that Jesus was the completion of the Old Testament tithe. As the priests in Malachi were robbing God of tithes and offerings and this was stealing from what was due to Him. Us not lifting up Jesus with the proper respect is the way that God is robbed of His due glory, because the modern false teaching concerning tithes and offerings is stealing from the glory of Christ’s sacrifice that is given to us for sustenance and life.

    Num 18:24 But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offerH7311 as an heave offeringH8641 unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit: therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.
    Mal 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.H8641

    Total KJV Occurrences: 99
    offering, 40
    Exo_25:2-3 (3), Exo_29:27-28 (4), Exo_30:13-15 (3), Exo_35:5 (2), Exo_35:21, Exo_35:24 (2), Exo_36:3, Exo_36:6, Lev_7:14, Lev_7:32, Lev_22:12, Num_5:9, Num_15:19-21 (4), Num_18:11, Num_18:24, Num_31:26-29 (6), Num_31:41, Num_31:52, Deu_12:11, Deu_12:17, Ezr_8:25, Neh_10:39, Eze_48:8
    heave, 28
    Exo_29:27-28 (4), Lev_7:14, Lev_7:32, Lev_7:34, Lev_10:14-15 (2), Num_6:20, Num_15:19-21 (4), Num_18:8, Num_18:11, Num_18:19, Num_18:24, Num_31:26-29 (6), Num_31:41, Deu_12:6, Deu_12:11, Deu_12:17oblation, 17
    Isa_40:20, Eze_44:30, Eze_45:1, Eze_45:6-7 (3), Eze_45:13, Eze_45:16, Eze_48:9-10 (2), Eze_48:18 (2), Eze_48:20-21 (5)
    offerings, 10
    Num_18:8, Num_18:19, 2Sa_1:21, 2Ch_31:10, 2Ch_31:12, 2Ch_31:14, Neh_10:37, Neh_12:44, Eze_20:40, Mal_3:8
    oblations, 2
    2Ch_31:14, Eze_44:30
    gifts, 1
    offered, 1

    ter-oo-maw’, ter-oo-maw’
    (The second form used in Deu_12:11); from H7311; a present (as offered up), especially in sacrifice or as tribute: – gift, heave offering ([shoulder]), oblation, offered (-ing).
    A primitive root; to be high actively to rise or raise (in various applications, literally or figuratively): – bring up, exalt (self), extol, give, go up, haughty, heave (up), (be, lift up on, make on, set up on, too) high (-er, one), hold up, levy, lift (-er) up, (be) lofty, (X a-) loud, mount up, offer (up), + presumptuously, (be) promote (-ion), proud, set up, tall (-er), take (away, off, up), breed worms.

    Joh 12:32 And I, if I be lifted upG5312 from the earth, will draw all men unto me. Joh 12:33 This he said, signifying what death he should die.

    From G5311; to elevate (literally or figuratively): – exalt, lift up.
    From a derivative of G5228; elevation, that is, (abstractly) altitude, (specifically) the sky, or (figuratively) dignity: – be exalted, height, (on) high.
    A primary preposition; “over”, that is, (with the genitive case) of place, above, beyond, across, or causal, for the sake of, instead, regarding; with the accusative case superior to, more than. In compounds it retains many of the listed applications: – (+ exceeding abundantly) above, in (on) behalf of, beyond, by, + very chiefest, concerning, exceeding (above, -ly), for, + very highly, more (than), of, over, on the part of, for sake of, in stead, than, to (-ward), very. In compounds it retains many of the above applications.

  9. A further response to Frank: Jacob probably heard the story of Abram’s ten % tithe to Melchizedek from his father, but there is no indication that God Himself specifically inspired Abram as to that particular tithe amount.

    Just because Abraham walked with God does not mean that God is the author of his every thought and deed. Did God inspire Abram to lie to Pharoah that Sarai was his sister instead of his wife? No. Did God inspire Abram to have sexual intimacy with his wife’s maid Hagar? No.

    There is much which happens in the Old Testament which is initiated by men and men alone, even when they THINK that what they are doing is what God wants — and we must be very careful, and stick to the actual language used — when taking the position that what a biblical patriarch said or did was God’s will, or even desired or condoned by God. Often God remains quiet and simply lets those He loves make their own mistakes and then (hopefully) learn from them.

  10. Diane, I don’t sincerely think you understood my question clearly, how did jacob get to know the intensity and importance of tithing for him to have made that promise to GOD and not to any one else or high priest?in the last part of my satement I prophets the bible cannot give accurate details of the day to day life of the prophets and the priests, can you imagine the volume and quantity of books there will be to read? Mind you the Lord Jesus did not condem tithing though he was under the law to fulfill the law in our place but in the new testament, in Hebrews chapter 7, merely discusses on the change of priesthood and not abolishing the paying of tithes. Please study verse 8 carefully, because in verse 17, ( for it is witnessed of him, (JESUS) you are a priest forever after the order( with the rank) of Melchizedek.(AMP). There is need to actually study in depth the real meaning of tithing and convenant because the law was not changed, it was fulfilled and this means that the Christian does not in anyway have a convenant with GOD. A child cannot have a convenant with his father, study John,1:12-13 carefully. Convenant what does it mean? agreement, You will be my people and i will be your GOD (they were sovereignly chosen by GOD himself) that was what GOD had with Israel via Abraham. Christians are BORN ( John 3:16, 2Corinthians 5:17). This is what christiandom is yet to fully Understand. And to answer your question Paul, just as you cannot check if all new christian for circumcision neither can you check if they tithe or not but that doesn’t stop you from preaching the topic as the Holy Spirit leads you. Conviction for the individual Christian is personal but please let us allow the Holy Spirit guide us.

    the Israel till date via Abraham.

  11. God loves a cheerful giver! (ie notice “giver” not tither!) :)
    I’ve added this page to my list of good references on the subject.

  12. Glad you found it helpful!

  13. I have been a faithful ‘tither’ for years, raised by parens who were faithful tithers. and there has been smething about ‘tithing’ that has always have this ‘check’ whithin me, even when I was anament about ‘wanting to tithe’ and knowing ‘God’s promises” about tithing…… I began researching about tithing to basically to find out where the 10% of all my gross income should be going…. let me tell you it has led down a completely different path!!!! it has led me closer and closer to who Jesus is: GRACE…. Jesus IS grace personified… Grace prresented giving over and over and over!!!!! I WAS a cheerful and faithful tither… now I will allow grace to lead me to be a cheerful and faithful giver!!!! I appreciate the revealation tht the Holy SPirit has given you and others aboutgiving from the heart and not tithing from a pocketbook…. God is NOT about numbers!!!

  14. Thanks for your comment, Melissa. You’re exactly the kind of person I hoped would read what I’ve written about tithing. It’s not about trying to tell people they should stop giving but that they should start understanding and approaching giving from the perspective of Jesus’ life, example, and teaching. Once we grasp that grace and love and start to use it as our standard for giving, we go beyond just checking off a 10% box and start giving from our hearts out of pure love. Thanks again for commenting!

  15. I am well aware of what the Old and New Testament says about tithing: however, my wife and I have been faithful tithers for over 30 years and the testimonies in every area of our lives would fill this website. There have been many times that we needed an increase in our finances and all we did was ask for a specific amount. Without fail God supplied it and we did nothing beyond what we were already doing.
    It is important to realize that everything we do has to be by “Faith.” Today, tithing is not a law to be obeyed, it is an Act of Love to be demonstrated in appreciation for the sacrifice Christ made for us. Everything I have is His, therefore, it is my love for Him that inspires me to not only tithe, but sow financial seed in others ministries and mission work as well. For those who choose to allow the controversy surrounding New Testament tithing to keep you from doing it, there are blessings assoicated with it that you will never experience, because if you are not doing it by “Faith”, you cannot determine what you are missing. May God continue to bless you all.

  16. It seems to me that tithing is a type and shadow of the true giving one has by living the life of Jesus. Just as God stated he would write his laws into our hearts and minds, so it is with giving. The grace of God is a more perfect law which includes doing what is right described in the law without being under it. Don’t make us tithe….let us give.

  17. Paul,

    What about Genesis 4:3-7? It’s called an “offering” but it appears to be an example of tithing and seems to be expected.

    The tithe appeared to be part of the covenant between God and Israel and was designed to provide for the clergy. I find it somewhat funny that churches today pretty much ignore the Old Testament except when it comes to the topic of tithing since tithing is barely mentioned in the New Testament.

  18. RevG,

    Good comment.

  19. JLP,

    I restricted this set of studies to the explicit references to tithing. I think it would be hard to say for sure that Cain & Abel’s offerings were tithing or were even expected. We just don’t have those details in that passage.

    One of my primary emphases has been that tithing was explicitly part of the Old Covenant between God and Israel. It seems so strange that we should cling so tightly to it when we claim we are under a New Covenant. Why do we keep pushing ourselves back under the Old when we were never even a part of it to begin with?

    All of this does not mean that we should not give to support churches, ministers, missionaries, the poor, etc. I’m simply trying to point people to the fact that tithing as it is taught today isn’t found in the Bible, isn’t for Christians, and that there’s a much better example for giving that we could be using – namely, Jesus Christ.

  20. RevG’s comment gets at what I’ve been saying all along – that it has to become an act of love. Tithing that is done or taught as a requirement of law does not accomplish this.

    The purpose of these articles is not to stop people from giving but to free them from the guilt and condemnation of the Law – the very guilt and condemnation that Jesus freed us from.

    I want all Christians to give and give generously because we are clearly called to do so. I cannot imagine any other response to God’s love for us. We personally give more than 10% but it’s not because of the Law or the threat of guilt or a curse. It’s because we want to out of our response to God.

  21. I am new to studying this topic. I was taught that if you don’t tithe you are robbing God. Where did this come from and is it biblical?

  22. Hi, Jennie! The idea you are talking about comes from Malachi 3:6-12. It is Biblical in the sense that it is in the Bible. However, I do not think Christians should be trying to put themselves back under the yoke of the Law in the way the Jews approached it. So I do not think it is Biblically sound when you consider the message that Jesus brought and the teachings of the Apostles. You will only find discussion of the tithe once in the New Testament after Jesus’ death, and there it is talking about how there has been a change in the Law. I’d encourage you to read through my studies on tithing if you really want to learn what the Bible says about tithing.

  23.  I believe it all come down to giving. Being lead by the Holy Spirit how to give and when to give, whether it is land, food, money etc. If it is within Gods plan you will prosper and the person, company what ever it may be will be BLESSED.

  24. Tithing was before, during and after the law. We exist in a monetary system, not with grains or fruits or animals. Therefore, we tithe our monies. Tithing is a command, not an option. But as with any commandment, you can choose to disobey it.

  25.  Hmm, so was circumcision, so we should be checking any men who want to be Christians just to make sure they’re obeying that law, right?

  26. Interesting article!
    Just out of curiosity, do you tithe?

  27. I think it would be important to also hear from a christian who has faithfully given his tithe……and what were the benefits he got as a result of his faithfulness!

  28.  My wife and I give more than 10% if that’s what you’re asking.  And we don’t do it to try to get benefits from God.  Giving is the blessing itself.  We are simply responding to the love and generosity of God.  You are hearing from someone who gladly gives more than 10%, doesn’t need the promise of material blessings or the threat of curses to do it, and thinks that looking at God’s example through Jesus is the best way to motivate giving in Christians.  I can tell you that joyously responding to God’s incomprehensible generosity and love gives benefits that far outweigh what you’ll hear in any tithing testimony.  I pray you and others who think that tithing is a law we must stick to or suffer from will gain the wisdom to see this truth someday.  Blessings to you.

  29. Iam a simple man and a World Traveler For CHRIST from Holland and a pastor who don’t believe in the TITHE doctrine, YESHUA (JESUS) is the best example for THE NEW TESTAMENT WAY of giving, and as a christian with a Jewish mother  i can tell you that the orthodox Jews are not giving THE TITHES anymore,  because the temple and his levitical priesthood is not exist anymore, how can it be that Gentile-Christians mean that they have to obey a command of the old testament jewish law what jews are not obeying anymore,  because Jews know that only LEVITES had only the right to receive the temple TITHES and that the TITHES also always has to be brought in the temple at Jerusalem.
     Traveler For CHRIST

  30. Traveler For CHRIST May 13, 2012 at 7:25 AM

    What THE LORD YHWH wants is REAL CHRISTIANS (DISCIPLES) who HE can LEAD by HIS HOLY SPIRIT who showing THE FRUITS OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE  to this world. TITHES is methode for the most people to set them free from THE TRUE DISCIPLESHIP.

  31. what about luke 20 25 jesus said give to caesar wht is caesars and God what is Gods///?

  32. while we are not under any law to tithe, none of us could deny that it works!!!!! And god would receive it.

  33. I thank you for allowing me to review. I received a box of books a few years ago, “Pastors stop lying on God” I would love to receive more. everyone loved them. My cousin pastor wrote the book.

  34. Many who testify of their tithing earning them blessings seem to forget that it is by FAITH alone that we can appropriate the blessings of God in the New Testament. (Eph 1:3 and Rom 8:32 and Gal 3:1-5)

    Does God bless us for generosity?…certainly….but ONLY when it is correctly given ie to the POOR (2 Cor 9:6-15)….and with a genuine motivation of LOVE (ie that which expects NOTHING in return!) (read Luke 6:34-36)

    Those who treat God as if He were a cosmic slot machine will see ALL their works burned as ‘wood hay and stubble’

    And then we have ‘pastors’ who claim they ‘have always believed in and practiced tithing’….Of course it works for them…..they are the primary beneficiaries of this mammoth scam which robs God’s children of their resources to feed their families and achieve their own god-given ministries and work.


  35. When Jesus made the statement that we should “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…and unto God what is God’s”…he was saying that MONEY belongs to this world….and we must pay our taxes to the worldly authorities.

    God however is spirit…and it is US who must render ourselves to HIM (Rom 12:1-2)….to worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). We CANNOT give money to God….except by giving it to the POOR (according to Jesus in Mat 25:31-44) (John 18:36)

    Those who proclaim that we should ‘Give to God’ …when they mean giving to the church …are ROBBING the POOR.

    The bible says no man has ever first given to God that he should be repaid….Rom 11:35

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Carnival of Personal Finance: Parts-of-speech abuse edition | Mighty Bargain Hunter - December 21, 2009

    […] Provident Planning gives a summary of tithing in the Bible. […]

  2. » Why I Don’t Teach Tithing - December 6, 2010

    […] tithing on my own site. I did an eleven part series last year that looked at every instance of tithing in the Bible with the goal of understanding the passages in context and comparing them to what is taught today. […]