The Power of Contentment in Christ

Corey —  November 24, 2009

       We discussed what contentment is and how to find it over the last two weeks. Defining contentment as “when what you have fulfills what you desire” gives us a very straightforward idea of contentment and how to get it. But the problem is that kind of contentment can be easily changed by your circumstances in life. If you lose the things you have, you are no longer content because that definition only considers your material things.

       There is, however, a way to find true contentment – contentment that lasts through any change in your circumstances. I’m talking about contentment that triumphs over anything that might happen in your life – good or bad. This kind of contentment is completely independent of what happens to you on Earth, and it only comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

How Christ Brings True Contentment

       To understand how Christ brings true contentment to those who believe in Him, we must grasp these four concepts:

  1. Faith in Jesus Christ gives us eternal life with God.

  3. Eternal life with God is far greater than anything we can imagine for ourselves in our life on Earth.

  5. So we put our hope in Christ and the eternal life He gives – not in the things of this world.

  7. Then Christ can give us true contentment that conquers any circumstance we may face, but we must continue to focus on our hope in Him and weigh everything against the surpassing value of our eternal life with God.

Faith in Jesus Gives Eternal Life

       All of the prophets, the apostles, and Jesus himself testify to the fact that if we believe in Him we will have our sins forgiven and receive eternal life with Him in Heaven. Understanding how Jesus can bring true contentment to deal with the circumstances in our life requires that we accept this truth. Without it, you will never know how to find true contentment in Christ.

Eternal Life with God Outweighs All Else

       Life with God in Heaven will be unimaginably better than anything we can experience in this life. There will be no more tears, no more pain, no more sorrow, no more suffering, and no more separation from God. We will be able to experience the presence of God at all times and behold His glory. The finest things on Earth cannot compare with what we will have in Heaven. There are no words to describe the surpassing greatness of eternal life with God over life in this world.

Our Hope Is in Christ & Eternal Life with Him

       Because we know that eternal life in Heaven with God will be so much better than anything we can have on Earth, we put our hope in Christ and the salvation we receive through Him. Christians find no happiness or contentment in anything the world can offer – we look only to Jesus and the reward that waits for us in Heaven.

       Our time on Earth is not a chance to accumulate all we can, experience all the best things life has to offer, or to make a name for ourselves. Instead, we view this life as a chance to serve God before we are called home – to our true home – by spreading the good news about Jesus Christ and by obeying His teachings. Our success is not measured by our jobs, our wealth, or our fame. Success for Christians is measured by how closely we walk with the Lord and imitate His life.

       We don’t look at our circumstances to determine whether we are happy or content. Our one desire is to know God, and our faith in Christ fulfills that one desire. Everything else is counted as nothing when compared to the glory of knowing Him.

True Contentment in Christ

       Once we fully believe and practice those three things, Christ can give us true contentment that can conquer any circumstance we will ever face. This is what Paul spoke about in Philippians 4:

       11 Not that I speak in respect to lack, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content in it. 12 I know how to be humbled, and I know also how to abound. In everything and in all things I have learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in need. 13 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:11-13 (WEB)

       The power of Christ, the salvation He provides, and the contentment He gives overcome the desires of our flesh and the cravings of the world. Jesus fulfills all our needs to the point that even when we lack in this life we can still be content. We find the strength to have peace in all circumstances through Him. And that’s how Jesus brings us true contentment.

Do You Want That Kind of Contentment?

       So tell me – what kind of contentment do you want? Do you want the kind of contentment that disappears whenever you see something you want and can’t have? Or do you want the kind of contentment that brings you peace and joy in all circumstances – even in the face of death?

       To have contentment that is never affected by your circumstances requires that you go to Christ. You must seek Him and learn to trust Him. You must continually focus on the hope you have in Him and the unspeakable riches that come through eternal life with God. If you take your eyes off of Him, then the worries of this life will choke you and you’ll find yourself in discontentment once again.

       You have the choice to experience true contentment right now. It is within your grasp. If it’s been eluding you all your life, you now know how to find it. Come to Jesus. Take His yoke. And experience the peace that surpasses all understanding and will guard your heart and thoughts in all circumstances. I pray that you will find contentment in Christ and know what it means to have all your needs fulfilled by Him.

       How has the power of contentment in Christ affected you? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to sign up for free updates to Provident Planning to learn more about God’s plan for your finances.



Corey is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in religion. While he enjoys learning and writing about Christianity, another one of his new passions is writing about personal finances in order to help others make wise decisions with their money.

3 responses to The Power of Contentment in Christ

  1. I’ve been a follower of Christ my whole life. I’ve been seeking happiness and contentment almost as long. I understand the above message but there is always one thing that always gets in the way of totally trusting God. That is my past. To this day every time I think I see the soothing light at the end of the tunnel, it’s always a freight train coming my way! I can’t get past the whole notion that God will allow bad things in your life in order for you to grow and learn. This keeps me from totally trusting God and second guessing him. How do I get over this so I can walk in line with God?

  2. Hi, Fred! Thanks for commenting. I can’t tell you exactly what it will take for you to overcome the struggles you’re facing, but I can share how I’ve personally dealt with the issues you mentioned. For me, it’s about remembering two things:

    1. God’s plans for me are greater than what I can imagine. His plans for me are good and best despite what my shortsighted mind might perceive. I know I can trust in Him no matter what because ultimately my future is all about my eternal life with Him in heaven. No matter what happens to me here, I can look forward to being with God in heaven for eternity.

    2. God will not let me be tempted beyond my ability (and trials can be similar to temptation). He will provide a way out so I can endure. That way out is typically another choice that does not require me sinning. But in the case of significant trials the way out is usually trusting fully in Him and relying on His strength and not my own. Again, it requires me to rest in the knowledge of my salvation and the eternal perspective of what I am here to do. In all things, I must glorify God and give praise to Him – and I am able to do this because Christ lives in me and has saved me from sin.

    Your question is not easy to answer and it can be even more difficult to personally overcome. But we must remember that we will always have trials and temptations here on earth. The only light at the end of the tunnel is the eternal light of heaven – Jesus Christ. I pray you will be able to rest in Him and focus on His eternal purpose for you. Blessings to you!

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  1. Defining Contentment - October 13, 2011

    […] say, “I have Christ and He is enough.  I lack nothing!”  That’s the power of  contentment in Christ.” – […]