Even when you try to be responsible with your money, you never know when an unexpected setback might put you in a tough financial situation. When you take advantage of Montreal loans, you can keep a relatively minor financial problem from escalating into a serious disruption of your life. A short-term loan doesn’t require that you have a great credit score to get the money you need — if you have a valid checking account and a full-time job, you should be able to quickly get the money. The following are just a few of the situations when such loans can help.
1. Vehicle Repairs
You depend on your car to get to work and run errands, so a major vehicle repair can prove a significant setback. You don’t want your car to wait in the shop for several weeks while you scrounge up money to pay for the repairs. Though some car insurance policies offer loaner vehicles, they typically don’t fully cover these costs, either.
2. Unplanned Travel
Most vacations are planned out several weeks — or even months — in advance, allowing you to adjust your budget appropriately. But sometimes, you’ll need to take a last minute trip for events you can’t control, like a wedding or funeral.
Though the costs will vary based on how far you need to go to reach your destination, expenses like plane tickets, hotel stays, rental cars, and meals can add up quickly, even for a short trip.
3. Major Home Repairs
On average, homeowners should expect to pay about one percent of their home’s market value on repairs each year. While saving a small amount each month can help you plan for standard repair issues, major problems like needing to replace your furnace could easily exceed what you’ve saved. Putting off roof repairs or plumbing leaks could compound the damage, which means major home repairs should always be addressed as quickly as possible.
4. Pet Emergencies
Though Canada’s single payer healthcare system helps keep medical expenses from becoming a financial emergency, you’re still responsible for your pets’ medical costs. Treating a pet after it gets hit by a car or suffers some other medical emergency can cost several hundred or even thousands of dollars. When your furry friend’s life is on the line, treatment often can’t wait.
Parting Thoughts
It’s always best to have money saved away for a rainy day. But sometimes, there simply isn’t enough in your bank account to address an unexpected financial emergency. Through the responsible use of loans, you can get the money you need to keep a temporary setback from becoming a total disaster.