Paper usage for conversations are now extinct due to the advent of smartphones. As reported by Salary, 37 percent of the employees’ time is spent in meetings. Most feel that text-based conversations can save time on meetings but that is not the case. Mobile devices are extensively used for texting to save some time, but they lack a degree of personalization. It is one of the reasons why video conferencing is gaining immense popularity in the IT sector.
Impersonal Communication is Ineffective
One of the core purposes of talking to other people is to solve issues and build a relationship in the IT world. If the conversation is impersonal, it lacks effectiveness. You can’t build a great relationship without having any eye contact. According to an article in Psychology Today, almost 55 percent of the discussion is nonverbal. You can build better relationships when people observe emotions and understand the nuances of conversing with other people. If you want to foster productivity, establish better teams, and increase collaboration, then there is no better tool than web chats.
It Allows for Flexibility
Online conferencing for IT like Blue Jeans allows face-to-face interaction with clear visibility and offers more flexibility to interact with people. Observing with a sharp eye makes all the difference in understanding your people. You have to be dynamic and interactive to be effective. Many people would like to ask questions and expect answers relevant to their issues. Written words can lack the same dynamism. Video discussions can help people interact well as well as satisfy their curiosity and doubts. A study with thousands of communicators highlighted the importance of audio-visual means of chatting as shown on the Study website. It shows how moving visuals could make it easier for you to get your message across, as it can increase their engagement and improve feedback considerably.
Visual collaboration also helps companies promote innovation by fostering team communication. Interactive audiovisual means can be utilized to address issues in a small group or large audience. It is found that 90 percent of businesses actively focus on increasing collaboration among personnel with 67 percent focusing on improving their productivity, according to Global Employee Engagement Trends for 2015. Better collaboration brings about synergy, which can expedite the business’s growth exponentially.
According to research by Speechly Bircham and King’s College, 62 percent of the organizations surveyed felt that employee engagement is their top HR priority. Engaged personnel have strong emotional attachment to the company. Increased engagement improves productivity, collaboration, retention, and reduces absenteeism.
As recorded by CMO Council, it was found that 87 percent of the young executives preferred to work with companies that invested in online multimedia systems to facilitate discussions, while 89 percent felt that video would improve the internal processes of the company in medium and large sized corporations.
Five Ways to Utilize Video for Effective Communication
- Welcome New Members. The CEO of a company can make onboarding of staff more engaging by delivering a personal message to the new members, which will make the recruits feel more enthused, proud, and be more committed to their job.
- Build Better Relationships. A company can plan a celebration for specific personnel on special occasions like birthdays and work anniversaries by wishing them well through the internet. When you greet them on their special occasions, they will feel more connected and involved.
- Inform. You can use this technology to keep all the staff and teams within a particular project or across the entire company updated on relevant news and business progress. Sharing your company’s achievements and their results along with its vision can keep your people motivated. It will give them the direction and energy needed to contribute to the results.
- Motivate. Companies should take the time to recognize individuals for their achievements and give them the drive they require by celebrating their success and rewarding them promptly. When a CEO or someone at the top congratulates them directly, they will feel much more motivated to work hard to deliver results.
- Training. Last but not the least, IT companies can train their staff and provide necessary education to face the market successfully. Continuous professional improvement is required to stay up to date with fast changes in technology and ways to deal with it in the marketplace. If they are busy working, they may not have the time to keep them updated. It is the reason companies should use these networks to brief them about the latest advancements and train them in a better way to approach the market in a successful manner.
Online video platforms can be utilized to improve internal discussions apart from external connectivity. The changes that simple interventions of conferencing technology bring about to the company’s performance can be phenomenal. Companies should embrace this technology for the best results. It is revolutionizing the way companies do business, and you should not miss this opportunity to exploit its benefits.