Why I Named My Business (and Blog) “Provident Planning”

Corey —  January 4, 2012

Adapted from Hello, my name is anonymous by Quinn Dombrowski on FlickrWhen I was trying to decide on a name for my business and this blog, I wanted to find something that kept God connected to our personal finances. For too long I felt like I had segregated my work from my faith. I helped people with their finances but God was hardly ever a part of the conversation.

When it came time to start my own business, I wanted to pick a name that would continually remind me that God has a very active role in our finances. I wanted a name that would point to God first and us second. I wanted a name that would integrate faith and financial planning. So I chose “Provident Planning”.


Provident points to God’s foreseeing care, guidance, protection, and provision for us. It reminds me that no matter what happens – even if all around me starts to crumble – I am still in the hands of a loving and faithful God who wants what is best for me and will provide it.

Provident emphasizes the peace and security we can have when we place all of our hope and faith in God. It carries the idea that God already knows what we need and when we need it, and He is ready and willing to supply it to us as we seek His Kingdom and His righteousness first.

The whole image of God’s providence is woven throughout Scripture in the many ways He provides for His people. He is mindful in making provision for those in need. He creates food from nothing. He sends birds and angels to minister to us. He even blesses us with rain and sunshine when we don’t deserve it at all.

And the greatest example of His foresight in providing for us is found in His Son. He made a way for us to be reconciled to Him long before we even realized our need.


Planning brings in the other side of the equation – our part. All throughout Scripture, we see a call to work diligently and use our resources prudently. Many times God’s provision required action on the part of those He was helping. They had to go do something or take a course of action that required their own effort while trusting God for the result.

Planning is not the same as worrying. In planning, we do our best to look ahead, think it out, and prepare for what is most likely. In worrying, we simply torment ourselves with anxieties and fears of the very worst. Worrying is where you’ll find a lack of trust in God.

Planning doesn’t necessitate distrusting God. The best planning happens when we do the best we can, trust the outcome to God, and rest in the assurance that this world is a perfectly safe place to be while we’re living in God’s Kingdom.

Provident Planning

I struggled for quite a while in coming up with a name, but when I put provident and planning together it just felt right. Provident Planning – it’s all about trusting in the good, beautiful, and faithful God who wants the very best for us while doing our part to use the resources He’s given us in the best ways we can.

I don’t pretend like I always remember those truths but that’s my goal. I want to live in the reality of God’s Kingdom and help others do the same – all while prudently using and caring for what He has given us.

I invite you to come along. Come and take hold of that which is truly life!



Corey is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in religion. While he enjoys learning and writing about Christianity, another one of his new passions is writing about personal finances in order to help others make wise decisions with their money.

5 responses to Why I Named My Business (and Blog) “Provident Planning”

  1. Love this, Paul.  Especially love the distinction between worrying and planning.  That shows the true value of a good financial planner.

    Glad to see the blog back in action!! 

  2. Glad you liked it, Jeremy!  It’s good to be back and connecting with readers again.

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  4. Great..!  As an author and business man, I can relate to how you said “Planning is not the same as worrying. In planning, we do our best to look ahead, think it out, and prepare for what is most likely”.I hope more people discover your blog because you really know what you’re talking about. Can’t wait to read more from you!

  5. Thanks for your encouraging words, Daniel!