I’m in Free Money Finance’s March Money Madness – Round 2, Game 2!

Corey —  February 23, 2011

       For the last few years, Free Money Finance has held a contest called March Money Madness (works like the college basketball competition). It gives bloggers a chance to highlight their best posts and see how they stack up to others. Additionally, FMF donates money to a charity of the blogger’s choice for the top 4 winners – $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd, and $100 each for 3rd and 4th.

       I’m playing for 50% to HOPE International and 50% to Mennonite Central Committee (or 100% to MCC if FMF doesn’t want to split the donations).

       Thanks to your help in Round 1, I’ve made it to Round 2! This week I’m in Game 2 with “The Save 10% for Retirement Rule Is Stupid“, and I’m up against Craig at Money Help for Christians. He’s a good friend of mine and a great writer, so I’ll be happy either way. But if you’d like to support me, leave a comment on today’s March Money Madness post saying “Game 2: Stupid”. Thanks for your support!



Corey is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in religion. While he enjoys learning and writing about Christianity, another one of his new passions is writing about personal finances in order to help others make wise decisions with their money.

2 responses to I’m in Free Money Finance’s March Money Madness – Round 2, Game 2!

  1. Sure, I’ll vote for you. I enjoyed the article when I read it some time last year. Heading over to there now.

  2. Thanks for your support, Romeo!